Mirror Talk: Wipe the shit off your glasses and gain a new perspective

I’m not disagreeing that they’re assholes, you’re not wrong…I’m just asking you what kind of shades you have on. If you feel like you’ve been taking shit for a long time, then your default lenses need to be reexamined because they seem to be speckled with fecal matter.

Giving new and old relationships another chance in a new light is what you used to be good at. People take advantage of people like us, sure, but everyone isn’t using you… everyone makes mistakes, as cliche as it sounds; but it’s really never resonated with me like it does today.

Every single person that there ever was, is, or will be, has, does, and will make mistakes on this earth. Every single human being.

Also, you’re older and wiser. Young-us was stupid, but look what we’ve managed to accomplish by always taking care of one another.  Imagine what the possibilities now.

You’ve met some fucking outrageous characters and have gotten yourself out of some risky situations, and into some amazing ones with charm, grace, and listening strongly to your intuition impulsively.

Take all that, get a new pair of fecal-free lenses and start letting people in like you once knew how to love.

When my thoughts are too loud to simply work out in my head, I talk to the mirror with full eye contact. This is what I had on my mind today and honestly, after having that talk with myself, I felt a rush of calm wash over me. It felt like a higher power hearing me out and giving me the answers. I feel open and vindicated in my own skin and like an emotional block had been lifted. I know I won’t change overnight, but I am grateful that I’m consciously working towards the loving free spirit that I miss seeing in the mirror. To stop expecting because that leads to projecting, then I’d truly become the person I hated the most. Accept every single moment for what is unless you have a reason to think otherwise.

Thanks for listening to my ramble.


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